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AlwaysFree: EIA: US Natural Gas In Underground Storage Rise To More Than 5-Year Average


Data from the US Energy Information Administration (EIA) showed that the US working natural gas volumes in underground storage rose to more than the five-year average. The volumes increased 34 Bcf to 3.729 Tcf for the week ended November 1.

Stocks were 530 Bcf (16.6%) higher than 3.199 Tcf a year ago and 29 Bcf (0.8%) higher than the five-year average of 3.7 Tcf. The increase was less than 63 Bcf addition reported in the same week in 2018, the five-year average increment of 57 Bcf.

Following the data, gas futures at NYMEX rose 3 cents to $2.86/MMBtu. Gas supply was steady, while demand increased on colder temperature. Total supplies rose by 0.5 Bcfd week-on-week to an average of 96.5 Bcfd. Meanwhile, downstream demand breached a level above 100 Bcf due to a spike in heating demand, especially in the Midwest region, where the temperature fell below the freezing point.

Tags: AlwaysFree,Americas,EN ALWAYSFREE,Energy & Feedstocks,English,Gas,United States US Natural Gas Stocks,US Natural Gas Stocks Build,US Natural Gas Underground Storage

Published on November 8, 2019 5:50 PM (GMT+8)
Last Updated on December 30, 2019 7:09 PM (GMT+8)