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AlwaysFree: French Government: Sufficient Oil Product Supply Despite Renewed Strike


The French government and oil companies said that oil product supply is still sufficient despite a renewed strike by labour unions. French labour unions such as CGT, FO, and FSU have called workers of all sectors to extend the strike protesting the government's plan to revise pension schemes.

CGT representatives said that workers of all French refineries joined the action on Tuesday. Protesters blocked the dispatch of products from Grandpuits, Lavera, Feyzin, Fos-sur-Mer, Gonfreville, La Mede, and Donges refineries for 96 hours. They also cut operating rates at ExxonMobil's Gravenchon refinery and blocked loading and discharging activities in the CIM oil terminal.

Total on Tuesday said that only 5% of its refinery workers joining the strike. The company said operation continued at its Feyzin, Donges, Grandpuits, Gonfreville, La Mede plants and would resume product delivery when the blockade ends. Total added that as of Monday morning, most of the company's 3,500 petrol stations are well supplied.

ExxonMobil said that only "a very limited number" of its workers at Fos-sur-Mer refinery joining the nationwide strike. The company said the refinery continued to operate at regular rates despite disruption in product loadings.

The ecology minister on Tuesday said more than 98% of the 11,000 service stations in France had no supply troubles and most of its 200 oil terminals have no delivery problems with "excellent" stock levels.

Tags: AlwaysFree,Crude Oil,EN ALWAYSFREE,Economy,Energy & Feedstocks,English,Europe,France,West Europe France’s oil product supply,French labor strike,labor strike

Published on January 8, 2020 6:37 PM (GMT+8)
Last Updated on January 8, 2020 6:37 PM (GMT+8)