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AlwaysFree: OQ Chemicals Wraps Up Isononanoic Acid Capacity Expansion At Oberhausen Site


OQ Chemicals, formerly known as Oxea, has wrapped up a project that increases the production capacity for isononanoic acid at its Oberhausen site in Germany. The company did not provide details on the expanded capacity but said its total isononanoic acid capacity increased by 30% after the upgrade. The expansion project is part of the company’s previously-announced carboxylic acid expansions. Isononanoic acid is used to produce lubricants based on synthetic polyol esters for the refrigeration industry. New environmental regulations have driven demand for next-generation lubricants that can meet higher energy efficiency standards.

Tags: All Chemicals,AlwaysFree,English,Europe,Germany,West Europe

Published on October 2, 2020 4:00 PM (GMT+8)
Last Updated on October 2, 2020 4:00 PM (GMT+8)