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AlwaysFree: TC Energy Corp: Keystone Oil Pipeline Expected To Be Partially Restarted Early Next Week


After a more than 9,000-barrel leak in rural North Dakota, the Keystone oil pipeline can be partially restarted anytime from Sunday to Tuesday, TC Energy Corp estimates.

To clean up the spill from the Keystone pipeline, which forced the line to be shut last week, crews in Walsh County (North Dakota) have been working.

For Canadian heavy crude, the Keystone system is an important artery. Regarding when the system will return to service, there is no timing yet.

Repairs are likely to be accomplished by Sunday. Thus, the company can get prepared for a restart. Analysts expected Keystone to be online by Sunday while being offline for 10 to 12 days.

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Tags: AlwaysFree,Canada,Crude Oil,EN ALWAYSFREE,Energy & Feedstocks,English Keytsoten oil pipeline,Oil Pipeline,TC Energy Corp

Published on November 8, 2019 7:53 PM (GMT+8)
Last Updated on December 30, 2019 7:09 PM (GMT+8)