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AlwaysFree: Toho Gas: Installation Of NAS Batteries For Promoting The Widespread Use Of Renewable Energy, First Attempt In The Tokai Region


According to the company’s website press release on September 28, 2022, Toho Gas Co., Ltd. (“Toho Gas”, President: Nobuyuki Masuda) will install NAS batteries*1 for the contribution to promoting widespread use of renewable energy, which will mark the first attempt in the Tokai region*2

Amid further installation of renewable energy for achieving carbon neutrality by 2050, power generation by renewable energy confronts with a challenge of its output unstableness which will affect supply and demand of electrical power because it is susceptible to time zone, weather condition and seasons. As a counter measure to the challenge, the expectation to NAS batteries has been growing.

Toho Gas will install the NAS batteries at its own site formerly used as Toho Gas’s Tsu LNG station for the power source of adjustment and will contribute to the stable electricity supply through the transaction on various electric power markets*3. It will launch the installation work from this August aiming to put into the operation in FY2025.

By promoting widespread use of renewable energy, Toho Gas will contribute to the realization of carbon neutrality through this project.

  • NAS batteries are storage batteries directly connected to an electrical power grid and will contribute to stabilize the supply and demand of electrical power as an adjustment function of renewable energy’s output fluctuations by storing electrical power when there is an excess supply and discharging it during shortage.
  • The installation is subsidized by “Business to Support the Introduction of Storage Batteries for Power Grids to Accelerate the Introduction of Renewable Energy (Revised Budget FY2021)” led by Agency of Natural Resources and Energy.
  • Electrical power markets refer to Balancing markets, Capacity markets and JEPX, etc.

Tags: All Products,AlwaysFree,Asia Pacific,English,Japan,NEA

Published on October 7, 2022 3:12 PM (GMT+8)
Last Updated on October 7, 2022 3:14 PM (GMT+8)