According to a statement filed by Chimcomplex S.A. Borzesti with the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) on September 26, 2022,
Company name: Chimcomplex S.A. Borzesti
Address: no. 3, Industriilor str, Onesti, Bacau County
Fax no.: 0234.302102
Phone: 0234.302250
Unique registration code: RO960322
Registration number with the Trade Register: J04/493/1991
LEI Code (Legal Entity Identifier): 549300FCIHJZOG56WD36
Subscribed and paid-up share capital: 304.907.851 Lei
The market on which the securities are traded: Bucharest Stock Exchange, Standard Category, symbol CRC
Important Event to Report:
Collective redundancy program
Chimcomplex informs the investors about the start of a collective redundancy program targeting a number of 396 employees of the company.
This measure is based on the need to resize and streamline the Company's activity, as a result of the synergies/mergers between the industrial platforms in Ramnicu Valcea and Onesti, but also in the current economic and geo-political context, in which the company aims to optimize the operational and operating costs, to streamline its activity, in order to use the human and financial resources with maximum efficiency, adapt to the influences exerted by the national and international crisis context in order to overcome all challenges.