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AlwaysFree: Alberta Counters Trudeau Climate Plan With Net Zero ‘Aspiration’


According to Bloomberg article published on April 20, 2023, Alberta’s conservative government shot back at Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s climate goals with its own emissions reduction plan that’s less stringent and foresees continued development of Canadian oil and gas projects.

The western province’s plan includes an “aspiration” to achieve a carbon neutral economy by 2050. That’s in contrast to federal targets, which contain a more explicit blueprint for reaching net-zero emissions by then. 

Released Wednesday on the eve of a provincial election campaign, Alberta Premier Danielle Smith’s plan focuses on her province’s biggest source of emissions, the oil and gas industry. It emphasizes technologies such as carbon capture and storage to make hydrocarbon production cleaner. 

“Alberta’s government is calling on the federal government to stop setting unrealistic, unachievable targets, to stay in their lane and work with the provinces without interfering in provincial jurisdiction,” Smith said in a release. 

“Instead of moving away from hydrocarbons, we will use these resources in innovative ways to ensure Alberta continues to provide the world with sustainably-produced energy and products,” she said. 

The province should promote liquefied natural gas exports to overseas markets to displace coal, according to the plan.  

Alberta holds the world’s third-largest crude reserves in its oil sands. Energy companies operating in the region have spelled out out their own plan to reach net-neutrality by 2050 on operations, but at a more gradual pace than the federal government’s plan. 

Tags: All Chemicals,All Products,AlwaysFree,Americas,Canada,Crude Oil,English,Gas

Published on April 20, 2023 10:14 AM (GMT+8)
Last Updated on April 20, 2023 10:14 AM (GMT+8)