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AlwaysFree: Kansai Electric Power Co., Inc. - Commencement of Full-Scale Feasibility Study to Develop Clean Fuels Supply Chain from Canada


According to the company’s website news release on April 7, 2023, the Kansai Electric Power Co., Inc. ("Kansai"), in collaboration with Canadian energy infrastructure company, ATCO Ltd. ("ATCO"), has commenced a full-scale feasibility study to develop an integrated clean fuels supply chain from Canada.

This study will examine a series of business segments coming together to form the supply chain, including production of clean fuels (blue hydrogen or blue ammonia") from natural gas in inland Canada, transportation to the west coast, and shipping to Japan.

The clean fuels will be produced using a highly energy efficient ATR process at the proposed site near Edmonton, Alberta, and will be transported by sea from Canada's west coast to Japan for utilization in thermal power plants and other locations.

Within this joint feasibility study, ATCO's main role is the study of clean fuels production, inland transportation, and export terminal in Canada. Kansai's main role is the study of shipping and import terminal in Japan.

Kansai is committed to its endeavor to form an optimal clean fuels supply chain with the view of creating a 'zero-carbon society' in Japan. This is being done with the ultimate goal of achieving zero carbon emissions for our own customers and broader society.

*1: We will compare production costs and other factors in our selection of either blue hydrogen or blue ammonia before making a final investment decision.

*2: Auto Thermal Reforming


Tags: All Chemicals,All Products,AlwaysFree,Americas,Canada,Crude Oil,English,Japan,NEA

Published on May 12, 2023 12:07 PM (GMT+8)
Last Updated on May 12, 2023 12:07 PM (GMT+8)