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AlwaysFree: Massive Fire In North Texas’s Polymer Plants Poly-America


A massive fire burning at the Poly-America plant in Grand Prairie, outside of Dallas, North Texas. Officials disclosed the Poly-America facility was reported burning around 1 a.m Wednesday, August 19, morning. The company is known to make trash bags, plastic film and recycle plastics. The fire is seen from miles away, sent a column of toxic smoke and explosions can be heard from the building as it's burning. The fire was reported to be contained at 5.30 p.m on the same day. No reports of injuries, but those with underlying conditions that can worsen from inhaling smoke were asked to avoid the area. The cause of fire is still relatively unknown, but one of the high tension power lines from the tower above the plants fell down, hypothetically sparking some fire.

Tags: All Plastics,AlwaysFree,Americas,English,US

Published on August 21, 2020 3:56 PM (GMT+8)
Last Updated on August 21, 2020 3:56 PM (GMT+8)