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AlwaysFree: US Chemical Activity Barometer Climbed in October, But Decelerated


In October, the American Chemistry Council (ACC)’s US Chemical Activity Barometer (CAB) rose but still decelerated compared to the previous month.

On a three-month moving average (3MMA) basis, October’s CAB climbed by 0.9% but still showing a deep deceleration compared to September’s 1.5% climb and August’s 2.6% gain.

On the yearly basis, the CAB was edged down by 3.3% this month.

Meanwhile, the unadjusted data only showed a 0.1% increase this month, after gaining by 0.8% in the previous month and a 1.9% jump in August.

The diffusion index went down to 59% from the previous month’s 65%.

Still, the sixth months of gain have shown consistent recovery in the US economy.

Tags: All Chemicals,AlwaysFree,Americas,English,US

Published on October 30, 2020 12:38 PM (GMT+8)
Last Updated on October 30, 2020 12:38 PM (GMT+8)