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AlwaysFree: US Specialty Chemical Markets Moderated in August


The American Chemistry Council (ACC) said that the US specialty chemical markets moderated in August as the country’s economic recovery was slowing down.

Last month, the specialty chemicals market volumes climbed by 0.5%, compared to July’s ⅔% gain.

Out of the 28 specialty chemical segments that ACC monitors, 27 expanded in August, an improvement from the expansion in 26 markets in July, and the decline across all markets in April.

August diffusion was improved to 96% on a sequential basis, compared to 93% in July.

On a yearly basis, the overall specialty chemicals volumes went down by 9.3%, with volumes stood at 101.9% of the 2012 average levels or 6.94 billion lbs (3.15 million metric tons). Only three markets and functional specialty chemical segments showed gains, which are cosmetic additives, electronic chemicals, and flavors and fragrances.

Diffusion was 11% on an annual basis, unchanged from July and June but much worse than at the start of the year.

Tags: All Chemicals,AlwaysFree,Americas,English,US

Published on September 18, 2020 12:48 PM (GMT+8)
Last Updated on September 21, 2020 5:30 PM (GMT+8)