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Found 6420 posts matching your search (News, PVC, All Markets)

NewsSSESSMENTS: Import PVC Offers To Bangladesh Changed Significantly, Buyers Adjusted Buy Ideas...

Categories: Americas,Asia Pacific,Banglade...

June 3, 2020 1:06 PM (GMT+8)

NewsSSESSMENTS: Naphtha Prices Obtain Firmer Footing From Various Factors, Break New Threshold Level...

Categories: All Markets,English,Naphtha,Ne...

June 2, 2020 5:39 PM (GMT+8)

NewsSSESSMENTS: The Second Largest Taiwanese PVC Producer Released Late June Shipment Offers To India, Limited Supply...

Categories: Asia Pacific,English,ISC,India...

June 2, 2020 5:15 PM (GMT+8)

NewsSSESSMENTS: Japanese PVC Producer Start Offering First Half July Shipment Cargoes To India Market, Will The Price Level Gain Good Response?...

Categories: Asia Pacific,English,Japan,NEA...

June 2, 2020 5:06 PM (GMT+8)

NewsSSESSMENTS: Malaysian Trader Discloses Possibility Of Further Price Adjustment For Import Chinese PVC Cargoes Amid Current Market Condition...

Categories: Asia Pacific,China,English,Mal...

June 2, 2020 4:20 PM (GMT+8)

NewsSSESSMENTS: Leading Taiwanese PVC Producer: Market In Asia Will Strengthen...

Categories: Asia Pacific,China,English,Fre...

June 2, 2020 3:55 PM (GMT+8)

NewsSSESSMENTS: Allocation For Indonesian PVC Cargoes To China Market Stretched Out...

Categories: Asia Pacific,China,English,Ind...

June 2, 2020 2:32 PM (GMT+8)

NewsSSESSMENTS: Local PVC Prices In Indonesia For June Delivery Emerged With Adjustment...

Categories: Asia Pacific,English,Indonesia...

June 2, 2020 2:26 PM (GMT+8)

NewsSSESSMENTS: Leading Indian PVC Producer Calculated Gap Between Offers And Open Market Prices, How Long Current State Of Demand Will Sustain...

Categories: Asia Pacific,English,India,New...

June 2, 2020 1:15 PM (GMT+8)

NewsSSESSMENTS: Current Inventory Level Bolsters Local PVC Market In China, Export Market Maintains Status Quo...

Categories: Asia Pacific,China,English,NEA...

June 2, 2020 11:02 AM (GMT+8)

NewsSSESSMENTS: Chinese PVC Producer Reserves Allocation On Expectation Of Positive Pricing Outlook...

Categories: Asia Pacific,China,English,NEA...

June 1, 2020 7:05 PM (GMT+8)

NewsSSESSMENTS: Vietnamese PVC Producer Announces June Delivery Offers, Ready To Cater To Rising Demand For Local Materials...

Categories: Asia Pacific,English,News,PVC,...

June 1, 2020 5:04 PM (GMT+8)